Thursday, January 29, 2015

Making Quality Video for Your Blog

For my blog, I am concerned with photography as well as videography to give the audience a true in-depth experience about the topic. Whether it be a 360º view of a vehicle and its interior, a close up sound clip of the exhaust, or even an exhibition of the premium sound system, videos can have a large impact if they are filmed well and precisely. 
One of the many articles I found extremely useful was this one which outlines tips and trick used to film video for your blog, even on a device such as an iPhone or other smartphone. It breaks down different angles and views to keep everything visually interesting while simultaneously informing your audience about a certain product or service. I thought it was extremely helpful and was set in such a method that almost anyone could pull it off with even minimal experience.
Here are the images from the linked post, to give you a quick shortcut. You can enlarge it by clicking on the image.



Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Being Passionate About Your Message

After reading "If You're Not Passionate About Your Message, Don't Start A Blog," I had quite a few different thoughts. I have to completely agree that if you are simply in a line of work for profit and have zero interest or desire to grow then you will slowly burn yourself out. This message really applies to any job, whether it be accounting or car sales.
I also enjoyed the advice about having a worldview, because in the world of blogging I can see many struggling to grasp that concept: not everyone on this planet likes the same thing (as me.) Keeping that in mind, it is easier to break your interests down simply and try and get the readers to understand and enjoy your work.

Blogging can and is a full time job for many in the modern day, and this advice really has merits to anyone wanting to pursue that path.


Thursday, January 22, 2015


As you probably have already read, my name is Cameron Weeden. I am 24 years old, a senior at the University of Central Oklahoma. My field of study is Strategic Communications. With this degree, I hope to pursue a career in publication as an automotive journalist for a magazine such as Car and Driver or Motor Trend.
This blog, in essence, is my form of automotive journalism. I understand that not everyone understands (or cares, really) about cars and trucks so I am trying to make my posts interesting with easy to understand facts and photography. Although you may not particularly enjoy the automotive world, everyone can appreciate an Aston Martin or Lamborghini, that's just a fact of life.

I rest my case

Hopefully, I will be successful in introducing some facts you may have never known about some popular models such as BMW, Ford and Lexus.
Thank you for reading, I hope you get as much out of this I have put in!
